AST SA ئاپەکان

Your Cosmetic Shop 1.0
KYANA HELLAS S.A. was founded inThessalonikiin 2006. It is considered to be the accomplishment of asix men'scommon objective regarding the creation of their owncompany ofhair care products.Using their rich experience in the field of cosmetics asacompass, they managed to consolidate the presence of theircompanyensuring a continuous and stable development.This is the application for our online cosmeticsstore(
Geosense Shop 1.01
GEOSENSE was founded in 2002 concerningtheplacing of specialized products & services relatedtoGeographic Information Systems (GIS), Global PositioningSystem(GPS / GNSS), the Cartographic Data, Geodetic Applicationsand theapplications and solutions object of Geomatics.This is the mobile application that allows you to buyourproducts on the go
Viviland Shop 1.01
Having in mind always the bestcustomerservice, on 19/09/1990, we held the grand opening of ourretailstore Viviland, on 39th of Mitropoleos street, in the centreofThessaloniki. The combination of aesthetics and quality ofourclothing and our competitive prices, are our innitiative overtheseyears.This is our official app, allowing you to buy all our productsonthe go.
12 Apostles Church 2.1.1
12 Apostles Church is one of many Greek Orthodox churches in theUnited Kingdom.
Online Media Shop 1.02
Established in 2002, Online Media is aleadingprovider of cost-effective web solutions and onlinemarketingservices to a wide range of global clients. Our officeinThessaloniki, has a diverse pool of knowledge andexpertise,bringing together creativity and innovative technology todeliverresults.Our expert knowledge and experience in website technologyanddevelopment, coupled with our online marketing suite ofproductsand services, means that we are able to deliver a uniqueserviceoffering that begins right at the beginning with websitecreation.'The end' is not a phrase in our vocabulary, as theinternet iscontinuously growing and we help our clients to growwith it.Online Media have a proven track record of delivering projectsontime and within budget and you'll find that our exceptionallevelof service is refreshingly good value. Take a look at just afew ofour clients.We have many years experience in the business and can dealwithpretty much anything our clients throw at us. We understandthateach client and every project is unique and we ensure that wetakethe time to thoroughly know you and your business, developingastrong working relationship along the way. Our commonprojectmanagement methodology ensures that projects aresuccessfullycompleted on time and within budget, every time!
Caramela Shop 1.01
Based in Thessaloniki - Greece, fashionbrandCamelot is developed by the company Caramela S.A. since1987,defined by an empowered sense of style and elegance.For more than 25 years we are driven by the conviction thatwomenare looking not only for beauty but for quality and comfort,whileexpressing their taste and personality.High Standard Brand Concept, Strict Quality Policy in all ourfieldsof activities, such as design, sample preparation,production andquality control enabled us to excel.This is our mobile application, allowing you to orderourclothing while you are on the go!
Gianni Dino Furs Shop 1.01
GianniDino was founded by Kostas andYannisEvangelou at 1996 in order to provide top quality products aswellas incomparable beauty. It is a company Active in the field offurfor more than 15 years, working with exceptional kinddesignersfrom Italy, Russia and China to ensure the finest leathersin themarket as well as the best expertise to produceworld-classcollections. With a well trained staff in all relevantdisciplinesit creates unique pieces destined to meet every tasteand need. Forthis reason also renowned commercial partnershipstaking placearound the world : America , Russia , Dubai , Korea ,China.This is GianniDino Furs official application, allowing youtoview and order from our fur collection directly throughyourandroid smartphone or tablet.GianniDino was foundedbyKostas and Yannis Evangelou at 1996 in order to provide topqualityproducts as well as incomparable beauty. It is a companyActive inthe field of fur for more than 15 years, working withexceptionalkind designers from Italy, Russia and China to ensurethe finestleathers in the market as well as the best expertise toproduceworld-class collections. With a well trained staff in allrelevantdisciplines it creates unique pieces destined to meet everytasteand need. For this reason also renowned commercialpartnershipstaking place around the world: America, Russia, Dubai,Korea,China.This is GianniDino Furs official application, allowing youtoview and order from our fur collection directly throughyourandroid smartphone or tablet.
Offirama Shop 1.01
Offirama S.A. was established in 2009 andisinvolved in the trading in office furniture and officesystemshaving experience and know-how of 25 years. The foundationof thecompany was result of the necessity of a more formulated teamofpeople and package of services, an expertized and more focusedteamon the field of office furniture that could offer products andgivesolutions satisfying the best possible the customers' needs.The company designs and manufactures office chairs ofhighquality and ergonomics and represents for the Greek market thewellknown Italian office furniture manufacturers Aran-Newform,andLinekit, who create and propose offices of modern design andhighquality.This is our official application, allowing you to view andorderour furniture creations directly through your androidsmartphone ortablet.
Pelcshop 1.0
Greekflavourshop 1.0
Primowear Shop 1.01
Nikolaos Fytopoulos Corporation (knownasPrimowear) was founded in 1996 in Thessaloniki, Greece. It beganasa small family business but throughout the years it hasevolvedinto a leading company in the competitive sector ofapparelproduction.This is the mobile application allowing you to shop yourdesiredapparel on the go!
Redwater Store 1.01
In REDwate, our main principal is insistingondeveloping top quality, aesthetically refined products thataddvalue to the everyday life of modern people.We remain loyal to company’s well defined principles. We focusonresearch and development seeking innovation continuously, wearecustomer oriented and respect the nature in all aspects.Thus,REDwater™ leads the new trend for natural and elegant skincare andserves with elegance the beauty needs ofhumansinternationally.Serving beauty, personal hygiene and welfare of the humanbody,REDwater™ manufactures products environmentally friendly andalwaysunder the EU Regulation.REDwater™ develops, produces and delivers the final highvaluedproduct to the people. Seeking perfection and balance in alllevelsof its organizational functions, from research &developmentand production procedure to quality and service for theconsumer,of innovative, effective, safe cosmetics anddermatologicalproducts.
Acryl Shop 1.01
Acryl design works mainly on the fieldofacrylic products constructions since 1994.Its constant anodic progress and development have establishedthecompany as one of the biggest in Greece.Experience, know-how, latest technological equipment andwelltrained personnel are some of the values that quarantee theidealresult for every customer's needs.Purpose of the company is the constant upgrade and improvementofit's products, so as to fulfil in the best way all therequirementsof the Greek and European market.Gaining and maintaining strong advantages such asspecialization,high quality, access to business needs and offer ofcompletesolutions, sets in steady basis the realization ofsuccessful stepsin order to make the difference in the plexiglassmarket.
Roadhelp 1.0.5
We are all drivers of choice , because it serves us, for pleasure ,by profession ! The innovative app of is a valid andreliable application , a necessary tool for every driver whotravels to Greece. It provides all the necessary services that adriver needs during his travel. You need a guide during yourtravel. The is an indispensable tool in your phone ! Inour page you can find garages for cars, motorcycles and bicycles,gas stations, cafes , restaurants and hotels. The operation issimple: just press the " near me " button. Thus is detected by theGPS position of your phone and run all operations that areavailable to serve in around you. In our page you can see : • thepoint on the map where you are , • the services offered , photosfrom the place you are • opening hours , social media available •and the ability to contact with the business directly from yourphone It supports the following functions: • Ability to use itwithout an internet connection • Transition from the detectionpoint until the nearest business • View of map of all thebusinesses that exist around the user • Direct contact with thecompany or through a telephone call, or by sending email, orthrough social media The content is updated daily and new featuresand services are added continuously ! ... Everythingfor the driver ! Roadhelp garages cars motorcycles bicycles gasstations
PrimeFashion Shop 1.01
SPLENDID, BISTON. 2 firms under thePrimeFashion Group. An adventure started 15 years ago when anambitiousperson named Dimitrios Skodras found himself beinginvolved in thegarments business without any special knowledge onthis great andso demanding industry. With the passion of makingsomething nice,that others will love and the assistance of his wifemanaged tocreate a small domestic company of ready made jackets.This is our official app, allowing you to order our productsonthe go.
e-elixir 1.1
e-elixir ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημαεμπορίαςαρωμάτων και καλλυντικώνe-elixir onlinestoremarketing perfumes and cosmetics
Momentous 1.01
Momentous ensures the successful integrationofIT as a tool for action and development of enterprises.Developsapplications, trains executives, helps in the absorption ofnewtechnologies by industry and trade.Founded in 1989 and continued growth ever since, due tothemodern organization, consistency and executives -Experiencedconsultants in organization and computerization,research andMarketing in training actions (TIF seminars, E.E.D.E .,EconomicChamber of Thessaly, Computer Logic, etc.) in the IT andbusinessdevelopment.This is the official application of Momentous, which allowsyouto browse our large range of products while you are on thego.
Ημερολόγιον Αγίου Όρους 3.0.4
The complete calendar application & phonebook Athos
KN Furs Shop 1.01
Kn Furs is a company which activates infurbusiness and is seated at Kastoria. It was founded byNikosKaranikolas, who since 1983 is an active furrier. Today,hiscompany is considered evolutionary and particularly dynamical.This is our mobile application, that allows you to shopourproducts on the go.
Five Olive Oil Shop 1.01
WEP SA has created a company driven bypassionfor excellence in gastronomy, in order to continue the longGreektradition in olive oil. We have the ambition of creating oneof thefinest premium olive oil brands in the world, withsensationalpackaging layout and excellent product quality.This is our mobile app, allowing you to order some of ourfinestproducts while on the go.
Push Your Service 1.0.3
Η εφαρμογή προσφέρει τηδυνατότηταπαρακολούθησης της κατάστασης του οχήματος ανά πάσαστιγμή. Οιβασικές παροχές της εφαρμογής είναι:*Η κατάσταση του οχήματος φαίνεται συνοπτικά στην αρχική οθόνημεμια γρήγορη ματιά*Ο χρήστης μπορεί να δει το ιστορικό επισκέψεων, καθώς καιναπροσθέσει δικές του καταχωρήσεις*Αποθήκευση της θέσης του παρκαρισμένου οχήματος, ώστεναδιευκολύνεται η επιστροφή σε αυτό*Παρακολούθηση στατιστικών καυσίμων και υπολογισμόςμέσηςκατανάλωσης*Η εφαρμογή δίνει τη δυνατότητα αποθήκευσης των εγγράφων γιαΚΤΕΟ,ασφάλεια, οδική βοήθεια, άδεια, δίπλωμα και την ημερομηνίαλήξηςτους καθώς και την αποστολή τους μέσω email*Η εφαρμογή υπενθυμίζει όταν πλησιάζει η λήξη ενός από τα έγγραφαήκάποιο προγραμματισμένο serviceThe application offersthepossibility of monitoring status of the vehicle at all times.Themain benefits of the application are:* The state of the vehicle appears briefly on the home screen withaquick glance* The user can see the historic visits, and to add ownentries* Save position of the parked vehicle, to facilitate the returntoit* Track statistics and average fuel consumption calculation* The application enables storage of documents for MOT,insurance,road assistance, license, diploma and their expiry dateand sendingthem via email* Application recalls when approaching the end of one ofthedocuments or a scheduled service
Mercedes Ioannidis 1.0.4
Η εταιρεία ιδρύθηκε το 1949 από τον κοΜάκηΙωαννίδη, σαν ατομική επιχείρηση συνεργείο επισκευής οχημάτωνκαιπώλησης αυτοκινήτων.Από το 1990 εώς σήμερα η εταιρεία Μ.ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ Α.Ε.Β.Ε. εδρεύειστηΣίνδο της Θεσσαλονίκης, ως Εξουσιοδοτημένος ΔιανομέαςκαιΕπισκευαστής της Mercedes-Benz και Smart, κερδίζονταςπληθώραδιακρίσεων – βραβεύσεων τόσο από οικονομικά περιοδικά , όσοκαι απόκρατικούς φορείς ως μια από τις καλύτερες εμπορικέςεπιχειρήσειςτου κλάδου αυτοκινήτου.Η επίσημη εφαρμογή της εταιρείας προσφέρει τηδυνατότηταπαρακολούθησης της κατάστασης και του ιστορικού serviceτουοχήματός σας ανά πάσα στιγμή.The company was foundedin1949 by Mr. Maki Ioannides as personal business vehiclerepairworkshop and car sales.From 1990 until today the company M.IOANNIDIS SA located atSindosThessaloniki, as Authorized Distributor and Service PartnerofMercedes-Benz and Smart, winning wealth discrimination -awardsboth financial magazines, as well as by government agenciesas oneof the best trading companies of car industry.The formal implementation of the company offers the possibilitytomonitor the situation and the historical service of your vehicleatall times.
frappe 1.0.0
Η νέα εφαρμογή frappe inspot τωρα και σε mobile.
B3B mobile 1.1.0
Είσαι σπίτι σου και δεν εχεις πρόσβαση σε ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή;Τονέο b3b app είναι για σενα! Κατέβασε το τώρα και λύσε όλαταπροβληματα του καταστηματος σου. To B3B Mobile αποτελεί τηνmobileέκδοση του B3B και προσθέτει την ευκολία της προβολής,απάντησηςκαι δημιουργίας ticket καθώς και την προβολή ανακοινώσεωνγια τοκατάστημα του χρήστη από την φορητή συσκευή του.
Rights4Refugees 1.0.1
Welcome to the application Rights4Refugees. This applicationwascreated by Hellenic League for Human Rights with the aimofproviding reliable legal and other essential information inorderto inform migrants/refugees/asylum seekers who are in Greeceontheir rights. The information is available in fourlanguages:Greek, English, Arabic and Farsi. Due the complexity ofinformationand situation, the user is advised to visit as well for further detailed information, orotherauthorities. Installation and use of the application is freeofcharge. Downloading requires an internet connection.
anakyklosi anThess 2.0.6
Recycling in East Thessaloniki
Golden Brands 1.4.1
Ordering app for Golden Brands customers